The Mystical Connection Of Feng Shui Paintings And Art


Artwork and paintings play a significant role in shaping the energy flow and ambiance within a space. The fundamental principles of Feng Shui are applicable to wall art and paintings alike. By employing the Bagua, one can identify optimal placements for Feng Shui-inspired artwork in areas like the living room, enhancing the flow of auspicious energy and fostering specific energies such as prosperity. When selecting artwork, consider both the elemental symbolism and the energetic qualities it conveys.

Art on walls and the Elements of Feng Shui

Opt for paintings representing one of the five Feng Shui elements to enhance the energy associated with that element. Additionally, the elements portrayed in the artwork can either bolster or diminish the influence of other elements.
  • Paintings featuring trees, driftwood, forest landscapes, and similar imagery depict the Wood element. Wall art crafted from wood materials can embody the essence of the Wood element.
  • Scenes depicting water bodies such as rivers, waterfalls, lakes, or other liquid elements represent the Water element.
  • Artwork highlighting candles, fireplaces, or other fiery objects embodies the Fire element.
  • Landscapes featuring mountains, plants, crystals, and similar natural elements represent the Earth element.
  • Wall art containing items like cars, coins, or silver beauty sets portray the Metal element.

The Feng Shui Colors in Paintings and Art

Another way to determine the elemental aspect of a painting is by identifying its predominant colors.

  • Objects in shades of red, orange, or purple amplify the presence of the fire element. Wall art adorned with these hues evokes feelings of joy, vibrancy, passion, and warmth.
  • Artworks featuring brown or green tones reinforce the influence of the wood element. Paintings showcasing these colors are often associated with prosperity and the stimulation of growth.
  • Images in shades of blue or aqua accentuate the essence of the water element. They evoke a sense of tranquility and peacefulness.
  • Art pieces showcasing brown, beige, yellow, and earthy tones enhance the earth element. These colors symbolize stability, grounding, nurturing, and openness to receiving.
  • Items in shades of brown, black, white, gray, and metallics bolster the presence of the metal element. Gold, in particular, symbolizes inward energy flow, productivity, logical thinking, and intellectualism.

Utilize artworks showcasing these hues to moderate excessive energy in specific areas by applying the cycle of destruction, where water diminishes fire, fire diminishes metal, metal diminishes wood, wood diminishes earth, and earth diminishes water.

Seasons in Paintings

If a painting represents a particular season, it is also associated with specific elements and can be positioned accordingly based on the bagua. Artworks depicting:

  • Late summer corresponds to the earth element.
  • Autumn is linked to the metal element.
  • Winter is associated with the water element.
  • Spring is related to the wood element.
  • Early summer corresponds to the fire element.

Wealth-Enhancing Feng Shui Art

In feng shui art, symbols representing prosperity are widely favored, appearing in paintings and wall reliefs alike. Paintings associated with prosperity often feature auspicious flowers and natural elements, while wall reliefs commonly portray fortunate animals.

Animal Reliefs

An animal relief or carving is a favored option for wall art in feng shui enhancement. Crafted from various materials such as metal, wood, resin, and more, these artworks come in a wide range of mediums. With numerous auspicious feng shui animals to choose from, you have the flexibility to select the one that resonates most with you, serving as your personal lucky charm.

  • Chinese dragon
  • Frog
  • Elephant
  • Horse
  • Ox
  • Phoenix

Wealth Ships

Among the favored symbols of wealth, particularly among astute business individuals, is the wealth ship, inspired by ancient merchant vessels. When adorning your walls with wealth ship wall art, it's customary to ensure it's positioned to sail into your home, symbolizing prosperity flowing inward. Typically crafted in a high-relief style, this artwork often features compartments where you can place Chinese coins, gemstones, gold ingots, and other tokens of affluence, resembling cargo loaded onto the ship. Most wealth ships are adorned in gold hues, symbolizing the metal associated with great wealth.

Koi Fish

The carp, commonly referred to as the Koi fish, stands as a symbol of wealth and good fortune in Feng Shui lore. Associated with prosperity, Koi fish paintings are believed to enhance abundance, especially when placed in the wealth corner of your home. While typically seen in aquariums or decorative ponds, incorporating this symbol into wall art can also be beneficial. Consider a silk folding screen designed for wall display, offering both exquisite design and authentic Feng Shui principles.

Feng Shui Tips for Paintings

Feng Shui represents the encouragement of positive energy, so choosing paintings that feel most comfortable to you is especially important. Here are some suggestions to help you choose the right paintings, which apply to almost any home decor style.

Pay Attention to the Energy of Lines

Lines are also important in feng shui and this includes those in paintings and art.

  • Straight lines and sharp angles are considered unfortuitous or negative, because negative energy travels in a straight line. While paintings can have straight lines, these need to be softened with curves and arches, as well.
  • Curved lines are considered fortuitous because positive energy travels a curved path.
  • Circles depict balance and cycles of energy and nature.

Choose Positive Feng Shui Paintings

  • Paintings of bamboo are said to bring luck and prosperity.
  • Images of Buddha (whether statues or in a painting) bring good luck. However, this is only true of the Buddha painting is a gift someone else has given to you, as you cannot purchase luck.
  • Paintings of positive images, such as beautiful scenery or celebrations, bring good energy throughout your home or office.
  • Many other pieces of artwork, including paintings, can be placed in areas of your home to support different energies.

Avoid Negative Chi

Some paintings may create less beneficial energies according to feng shui.

  • Paintings of disasters, wars, storms, unhappiness, loneliness, or similar negative incidents generate negative energy.
  • Having paintings of water in the bedroom could cool passions, as water suppresses fire according to the cycle of destruction.

Painting Sizes and Materials

Typically, larger artworks exude more energy compared to smaller ones. Similarly, watercolor paintings tend to emanate a gentler energy owing to their subdued hues, contrasting with the vibrant tones of oil or acrylic paintings. Take into account the framing material, observing which element it represents. For living rooms, opt for larger feng shui paintings to match the room's dynamic yang energy, allowing bolder color choices.

Choose What You Love

Considering feng shui when selecting art and paintings is crucial for the flow of chi energy in your living or work space. However, don't limit your choices solely to feng shui principles. It's equally vital to choose pieces that resonate with you personally, as you'll be living with them for years. Identify the types of art suitable for each area of your home and opt for feng shui pieces that bring you genuine joy.